Anthology for Turkish Piano Music, Volume III is available for sale!

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Muammer Sun: “Lament” from Country Colors Book I, No. 3 (1954)

Ulvi Cemal Erkin: “Zeybek” from Impressions (1937)

Ilhan Baran: “Aksak” from Three Abstract Dances (1958)


Hasan Uçarsu: “Phaselis” from Reminiscences of a Summer Journey (1996)

Phaselis was an ancient Greek and Roman city on the coast of Lycia. (Modern-day Turkey in Antalya province)

Ilhan Mimaroğlu: Rosa (1978)


Necil Kazim Akses: No. 8 from Ten Piano Pieces (1964)

Cemal Reşit Rey: No. 8 from Ten Folk Songs (1967)

Hasan Ferit Alnar: “Köçek Havasi” from Turkish Dance Suite (1932)


Ahmed Adnan Saygun: Etude on an Aksak Rhythm, Op. 38, No. 5 (1964)

From a live performance, the Etude (starting at 2:40) is paired with a movement by Croatian composer Ivan Bozicevic.